Border Security and Customs | Traveller Verification Solutions

Efficient border control hinges on the prompt and precise recognition of individuals, enabling their lawful passage through international borders. Our Traveller Identity Confirmation Systems offer a secure and dependable means to authenticate the identities of travelers, guaranteeing a secure and hassle-free travel encounter.

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Customize how you

The Border Force of the UK's Home Office plays a crucial role in safeguarding the nation's borders and promoting economic well-being by facilitating the smooth passage of travelers through airports, seaports, and land border checkpoints. Enhancing efficiency at these border crossings is essential to enable thorough traveler inspections. Each extra second devoted to verifying an individual at these checkpoints results in saving approximately one full day of labor annually. If a mere 10 seconds can be conserved, it translates into a savings of nearly two weeks of work. This efficiency improvement allows border security personnel to allocate more time and attention to individuals deemed high-risk, thanks to the time saved in routine identification validation processes.


Airport security is Ensured

As airport staff navigates the delicate balance between passenger convenience and the imperative of safeguarding airports globally. The implementation of a uniform border control protocol is imperative within this ever-evolving arena of border security. The eight million individuals constituting the border security sector anticipate an enhanced travel experience, characterised by improved efficiency and accuracy at airport security checkpoints.


Harnessing Biometric Technologies

To bolster the efficiency of border security procedures, the implementation of cutting-edge technologies emerges as a pivotal solution. These advancements are designed to expedite the process of crossing border checkpoints, alleviate the burden on border personnel, and mitigate any inherent biases. The incorporation of biometric technologies into border security protocols offers an avenue for enhancing the verification of individual identities. These state-of-the-art solutions furnish a seamless means of identifying individuals and enjoying broad support from the public.


Top-notch Technology, Optimal Data, and Superior Outcomes

IDMscan, an identity authentication and verification tool, conducts scans on identification documents to ascertain their legitimacy. It establishes a seamless link with the IDMkyc proprietary verification API to cross-verify the document's data against reputable data sources. Azine Technologies, backed by a decade of expertise in gathering global identity data, supports this initiative. As a result, border authorities will be empowered to enhance border security with greater accuracy, efficiency, and simplicity through this unique identity verification process.

Azine Technologies Provides One Solution Platform for Multiple Problems

To facilitate the adherence of banks and various financial institutions to regulatory requirements, Azine Technologies provides an extensive array of identity verification solutions tailored to the banking and finance sector. Within Azine Technologies Solutions, you can find services encompassing identity verification, Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures, fraud analytics, credit risk analysis, and due diligence.


Need help getting started with identity management?

Our experts are happy to discuss your requirements and schedule a demo to show you how our solution can work for you.

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What is KYC?

What is AML?

What is KYB?

What is the difference between IDMLIVE and IDMSCAN?

What industries are KYC verified?

What is eKYC?


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